
The London Turkish Architects Association (LTAA) is a global professional membership organisation which fosters distinction and collaboration in architecture and related creative industries.

LTAA's Goals

The primary goal of the LTAA is to represent the collective interests of the entire Turkish architectural and design community in London. Thereby, the association's focus encompasses beyond conventional architecture to encompass other creative fields including urban planning, landscape architecture, environmental design, interior design, lighting design, furniture design and more.

The LTAA aims to create an environment where architects can excel in their craft while also learning from one another and cooperating on projects, research, workshops, competitions, talks, and various other activities. The idea is that the association provides a local environment for networking while also fostering and blending both professional and academic development. Also, a professional common ground where both British and Turkish architects, designers, manufacturers and the construction industries are all brought together.


To be a leading organisation representing Turkish architects and designers in London, promoting their professional development and contributing to the architectural industry.


To provide a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among Turkish architects and designers, while upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and architectural excellence.

Board of Directors

The founding board members who will represent the association and manage association-related activities and transactions are listed below until the association bodies are completely developed at the first general assembly.

The existing board will be responsible for carrying out the duties of future positions until their appointments or elections, including those for treasurer, director of events and programmes, and director of professional development.

President Kaan Öncüoğlu Architect
Vice President Cemre Demirci Architect
Secretary Ege Gazioğlu Business & Marketing Consultant
Business Development Director Hazel Özrenk Architect
Creative Director Ceren Akın Architect
Communication Director Dr Egemen Kızılcan Architect & Full-stack Developer
Membership & Community Relations Director Merve Sarıkaya Architect

Honorary Members

This prestigious recognition is awarded to individuals who have made substantial moral or material contributions to the LTAA, the community, and the architectural and design field.

Melike Altınışık Melike Altinisik Architects Architect
Burak Çaplı Radius Tech Founder
Defne Eratıcı North Star Law Solicitor
Buket Erdoğan Ashton Ross Law Solicitor
Gözde Doğramacılar Kastamonu Entegre A&D Relations Manager

Board of Trustees

The board of trustees will not be expected to actively work for the organisation or participate in its daily activities, but they will be selected or elected, as needed, based on their fields of expertise and experience. These additional voluntary roles provided by the board of trustees will showcase the diversity, and address various aspects of the profession and industry. If the general assembly deemed it necessary, more positions could be added to the board of trustees. 

  • Design Excellence Advocate
  • Architectural Education Advocate
  • Sustainability & Green Building Advocate
  • Technology & Innovation Specialist
  • Urban Planning & Community Development
  • Historic Preservation & Heritage Conservation Expert
  • Interior Design & Special Planning Expert
  • Product & Furniture Design Advocate
  • Landscape Architecture & Outdoor Spaces Specialist
  • Architectural Journalism & Publications
  • Design Ethics & Social Responsibility Advocate
  • International Architecture & Cultural Exchange Coordinator
  • Membership & Community Liaison

Building Bridges

Partners & Collaborators